PC Rainbow Acro for Sale - The PC Rainbow is a beautiful staghorn acropora, that has a vivid orange skin terminating in red and magenta coralites with blue and green growth rim. It is a fast grower that does not require high PAR in order to realize its full color potential and is a absolutely stunning rainbow coral. PC Rainbow Acropora like medium to high light and high flow and will thrive best in a well established system.
PC Rainbow Acropora should be carefully acclimated and should be placed in their permanent position immediately after acclimation. It takes 6 months for them to regain normal growth.
Name: PC Rainbow Acropora
Coral Type: SPS
Scientific Name: Acropora sp.
Care Level: Easy in SPS tank!
Water Flow: Moderate to high
Lighting: High-Medium
Aggressiveness: Peaceful
Range: Indo-Pacific, Grown in California