The naso, or lipstick tang (Naso lituratus) feature a stunning white to silver body highlighted with six vertical black bars making a great addition to any reef aquarium or fish only system. This fish does best in large aquariums where there is ample swimming space. A 180 gallon or larger aquarium is necessary to provide plenty of swimming room, places to hide, and a tight-fitting lid to prevent jumping to escape. Like most other Surgeonfish or Tangs, Naso Tangs like water with a moderate to heavy flow, creating currents to swim in. We also sell Blonde Naso Tangs in small, medium, and large
Naso Tangs with streamers are usually males. Streamers can begin to show when the fish is in the range of 6” – 9” in size. It is impossible to determine the sex of a Naso tang prior to the tail streamers showing.
As well, Naso Tangs are a favorite among aquarists, because of their vibrant personalities, and their inquisitive nature towards their owners. Over time, they will become very friendly towards their owners, coming to the front glass to meet them and becoming tame enough to accept foods from its keeper's hand.
Naso Tangs in the wild will generally eat marine algae and seaweed exclusively; however, in the aquarium environment they will generally accept a variety of foods. The bulk of their diet should consist of marine algae, seaweed and other forms of vegetable matter in order to properly maintain their immune system and overall health. Proper nutrition will also reduce aggression in Tang species towards their tank mates.