Yellow Star Polyps

Yellow Star Polyps

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Yellow Polyps (Parazoanthus axinellae) are a beautiful and hardy coral species that can be a great addition to a reef aquarium. They are known for their vibrant yellow coloration and can be relatively easy to care for, making them a popular choice among both beginner and experienced hobbyists. Here's a care guide for Yellow Polyps.

Aquarium Setup

Tank Size: A small colony of Yellow Polyps can thrive in a nano reef tank, but if you plan to keep a larger colony, a tank with a capacity of at least 20 gallons is recommended.

Lighting: Yellow Polyps are photosynthetic and require moderate to high lighting conditions. LED or T5 lighting systems are commonly used.

Water Parameters

  • Temperature: 74-78°F (23-26°C)
  • Salinity: 1.024-1.026 specific gravity
  • pH: 8.1-8.4

Ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates should be kept at minimal levels.

Water Flow

Moderate water flow is ideal. Use powerheads or wavemakers to ensure proper circulation throughout the tank.


Yellow Polyps can be placed on live rock, rubble, or even the substrate. They will attach and encrust the surface they are placed on.


Yellow Polyps are primarily photosynthetic but can also capture small zooplankton from the water column. You can supplement their diet by feeding them with small meaty foods like zooplankton, brine shrimp, or other similar items. Feeding a couple of times a week is usually sufficient.


Regular water changes are essential to maintain water quality. Aim for a 10-20% water change every 2-4 weeks. Keep an eye on water parameters, especially calcium and alkalinity, as proper levels are important for their growth.


Yellow Polyps are generally non-aggressive and can coexist with a variety of other corals and fish. However, they can still extend their sweeper tentacles at night to capture food, so ensure there's enough space between them and other corals to prevent aggression.


Keep an eye out for potential pests like flatworms, which can harm your Yellow Polyps. If you notice any issues, consider using natural predators like a six-line wrasse or a nudibranch to control the pest population.


Yellow Polyps can be propagated by fragging. Gently cut or break off a piece of the colony and attach it to a new surface. Make sure to use clean tools and follow proper fragging techniques to avoid damaging the polyps.

Disease Prevention

Maintaining good water quality and hygiene is the best way to prevent diseases. Quarantine new additions to your tank to prevent the introduction of potential pathogens. Yellow Polyps can add a burst of color and motion to your reef aquarium. By providing them with the right conditions and care, you can enjoy their beauty and watch them thrive in your aquarium.